The intense string of buck hunts we've been on shows zero signs of stopping and on this with episode of Chasing November, that's exactly what we get. Continuing through the weekend, many bowhunters are on stand taking advantage of the conditions without burning vacation time. Kane Gillette, a longtime team member who's told many memorable stories over the seasons finally gets the chance he's worked for putting an end to a dry spell. Owen Reigler fresh off of a buck brawl show, again deploys the decoy. Finally, the chance he's hoped for presents itself and it takes TWO perfectly placed shots to put the buck down. Mike Reed and Zach Rozmus continue their individual quests and both have great hunts. Bow hunting action at its finest, this might be the best stretch of hunting we've ever experienced. We hope you enjoy and are greatly appreciative for all of you taking the time to watch each video.