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God's Country Outdoorsmen

God’s Country Outdoorsmen was created in 2020 by Chance Robbins and Sean Berry. Located in the Southern Colorado Mountains, the Alce Toro Ranch boasts thousands of acres of unique topography, wild horses, and plenty of trophy big game animals. The majority of the clients for God’s Country Outdoorsmen hunt here, from the likes of Brantley Gilbert, to Lee & Tiffany from CrushTV, to Chase Rice. Chance and Sean don’t only guide and hunt in Colorado, however. They also guide in the vast and unforgiving mountain ranges in lower Montana, the thick forest of Iowa hunting giant whitetail, and even desert sheep in the airy deserts of Arizona. From their passion to help others, they created the nonprofit God’s Country For Our Heroes where they take veterans, first responders, and youth with disabilities on hunts of a lifetime. These individuals are nominated by their friends and family who share in their unforgettable experiences. In the future, God’s Country hopes to tell more of these stories to help inspire and encourage others to experience the outdoors.