You don't need a skid steer or bulldozer to make a new gravel driveway! Hey folks, welcome back and if you have a tractor with a loader and a bucket You can make your own gravel driveway! In today's episode I'll share with you the most cost effective way to build a lasting gravel driveway with only your tractor and the loader with a dirt bucket. Many will say that you will need more than this, such as 2" to 3" breaker run stone as a base, or road fabric as a base underneath so that your new gravel driveway will hold up. Today I will take you along, step by step, as I cut a new gravel driveway on our 'new to us' Southern Missouri Ozarks farm. I'll be using my KIOTI NS6010 hst compact tractor and the standard factory tractor loader and a dirt bucket. First I'll show you how to skim the 'soft' layer of dirt and silt and get down to the firm, virgin layer of red clay, that exists in much of the Midwest. Now if you have a softer loamy dirt, such as in a bottom field, then you may have to use a larger base layer underneath your top layer so that the new gravel driveway holds up, particularly in wet weather. Or a road fabric underneath may also be used. But if you live in clay country, and you get down to the virgin earth's clay layer and then lay your base layer WITH small 'fines' or packing material mixed in with the gravel/stone then your driveway will be fine once compacted down and the rain gets sealed out, after the base layer is established. This is the common principle with building a gravel road or driveway. Also the shape of your gravel driveway will help to repel water when it rains, but in today's driveway build I am just building this gravel driveway flat as there is not much runoff or water erosion in this spot to warrant a driveway crown, tilt or runoff ditch. Thanks for joining us today, we hope to catch you on a future video!