On this week's episode of Midwest Whitetail, we kick things off with a quick look back at the '23 hunting season where Owen Reigler tagged his biggest bow buck to date. Fast forward to March of '24 and Owen finally gets to put his hands on the giant 213" buck once again after picking him up from the taxidermist. Heading to the Iowa Deer Classic, we want to thank everyone who took the time to stop by the booth and talk deer hunting with the crew. In addition to the first look at the great taxidermy, Owen highlights some of his best food plot strategies that played key roles in punching his archery tag on the Iowa giant. Following this, we join Mike Reed on the "River Farm" where he does a deep dive on multiple food plot topics for the spring time frame. First Mike covers frost seeding which is one of the most beneficial and accessible forms of establishing a food plot. He also deep dives on which situations he would use a perennial seed mix versus an annual to offer year round benefit for wildlife and food plot effectiveness alike. Our preferred perennial seed blend is the "Multi-Year" from Monster Buck food plot seed and for an annual we choose the "Off Season" seed blend. Finally, to wrap up the day, Mike deep dives into what has turned into one of his favorite stand locations to bow hunt on the property. He covers what makes the spot so great for hunting, how he utilizes a food plot to enhance the already good location, and what he plans to do in the '24 season. As always, thank you so much for taking the time to watch another episode and we will see you on the next one.