The crazy part about this hunt is it was only days after I shot Roman in Ohio. I knew I had to get to Illinois because we are in the middle of the red moon and I got the trail camera pictures I needed to confirm T-Post was on his feet and it was time to get in and hunt him. T-Post was on a new farm my buddy Mark and I had just purchased the previous fall. We did not get to hunt it that much the year prior but while we were turning hunting that spring we had found massive sheds to this deer. Instantly, that helped grow the relationship with that deer and it was extra special to me because he was on the farm we had just purchased. We set up a Big Tine food plot in the back corner of this bean field and there was a tree in the middle of the plot that was perfect for a Black Widow mock scrape. I had a scrape trap set up on this food plot with the tree in the middle of the plot and another tree on the edge of the field. I was having an awesome night in the tree and right before dark T-Post came out of the timber and was in the process of hitting both mock scrapes I had made and the rest is history!